Fuel Your Business’ Success – Find a Mentor

Owning your own business puts you in the driver’s seat, but the road to success isn’t always clear. A business mentor — someone who’s made mistakes, learned lessons and has advice — can keep you headed in the right direction. Pamela J. Goodwin, CEO and founder of commercial real estate company Goodwin Commercial in Dallas,

8 Things That Won’t Hurt (Whew!) Your Credit

Pay a credit card a month late, and you can count on it hurting your credit score. But there are some murkier areas you may wonder about: What happens if I marry someone whose credit is a lot worse than mine? Could my library fine from five years ago keep me from getting approved for

3 Things To Do When You Get a Salary Increase

Bravo! Everyone wants to make more money, and you’ve managed to do just that. Whether you received a raise or took a higher-paying job, a salary increase is something to celebrate. It’s also something to evaluate within your larger financial picture. That way, you know what to do with your additional cash. Here’s what to

Win Big on Black Friday by Buying This – And Not That

The day that discount shoppers have waited for all year is practically here. Black Friday — the day after Thanksgiving — has long been touted as one of the best times of the year for buying just about anything. But despite huge sales at nearly every retailer, it won’t be all deals during the 2019 post-Turkey Day

Highland Bank Honored by the SBA

We are proud to be recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration for our on-going commitment to help grow the local business community!

Yes, You Should Ask Your Parents About Their Financial Plans

Parents are often more than happy to offer financial advice to their kids. They like to feel needed and want to make sure you’re on solid financial ground. But it’s important to turn the tables and ask about their financial plans, too. Are they saving for retirement? Have they updated their will? What’s their plan for

Ditching Credit Cards? Here’s What Could Happen to your Score

Maybe you’ve been ordering too much stuff on Amazon or watching your bank account shrink after spring break travel. When your spending spins out of control, one way to rejuvenate your finances is to go on a financial fast. But while chopping up your credit cards may feel cleansing, you might be surprised at what

Are You Picking the Wrong Money Goals?

Setting smart, achievable goals is important if you want to take charge of your financial life. But many of us are surprisingly bad at choosing the goals that actually matter most to us.

Financial Literacy for Kids

No matter how enthusiastic you are, trying to formally teach finance to kids is a tall order that is likely to make their eyes glaze over. Hold their attention by keeping money lessons relevant, age-appropriate and a bit playful. First Finances Preschoolers can grasp that money is exchanged for stuff. Teach them the names of coins,