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Heather Fitzgerald Headshot White Background

Heather Fitzgerald

VP, Community Lender Starting business as customers, turning into friends, and maintaining long-term relationships is of vital importance to Heather as she goes about her day. With a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Management, Heather started her banking career in 1992 as a Teller, working her way to Vice President, Community

Joe Babiracki Headshot on White Background

Joe Babiracki

SVP, Mortgage Banking Manager From early in his career, Joe Babiracki forged a path of innovative consumer lending, focused on meeting the ever-changing needs of the market, and providing attractive revenue opportunities for the clients he partners with. After graduating from the University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management with a degree in Finance and

Matt Dereschuk Headshot on white background

Matt Dereschuk

VP, Branch Manager Matt is passionate about community, and there are few places that are better for someone committed to their community than a bank that shares his values. Matt has been part of the Woodbury area for many years. The value of a familiar face and of being a constant as families and businesses

Corey Piekarski

Vice President/Commercial Banker Corey remembers when Blaine was an expanse of sod farms and muses at how much has changed. There is a comfort knowing someone who has always been there in the community, playing sports, raising his own family, working to support business owners through their own changes and helping them succeed in the

Kasasa Saver

If a penny saved is a penny earned, you’ll need a bigger piggy bank to accommodate the extra cash flow generated by our free Kasasa Saver® account. If you already have the best rewards checking account in town, complement it with its savings counterpart! To make it even easier, Kasasa Saver is linked to your