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Beneficial Ownership

Overview In May 2016, the U.S. government passed a new regulation regarding the beneficial ownership of legal entity customers. Going forward, it will be mandatory for all financial institutions to comply with this regulation by identifying the ultimate beneficial owner(s) and a controlling person of a legal entity customer opening or maintaining an account. In

Joe Veliz

Vice president/Commercial Banker Business owners often voice their interest in finding a banking partner who is committed to their relationship; someone who is there to get things done. Joe Veliz is that guy. A self-professed goal setter, Joe tackles challenges head on. Joe has an inherent drive to find solutions and identify the best way

Equifax Extends Free Credit Freezes

Equifax Extends Free Credit Freezes Equifax has extended its offer of free credit freezes through June 30. Equifax made freezes free late last year in the wake of a data breach that compromised personal data on about 145 million U.S. consumers. The offer had been set to expire on Wednesday. If you’re looking to keep your