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Barb Sheldon Headshot on White Background

Barb Sheldon

SVP, Commercial Banking Manager An earnest drive to learn from business owners, and the challenge of finding innovative ways to support and finance growth is what continues to energize Barb Sheldon. “I find that business owners are proud of what they do, and love to share their stories. It’s fascinating to hear what they have

Sarah Kolek headshot on white background

Sarah Kolek

SVP, Commercial Services and Special Assets Manager A career in banking was not something that Sarah Kolek planned on as she completed her education in business management, rather something that fell into place.  Growing up in the rural Midwest, Sarah knew the value of hard work. Banking gave her added perspective on what it takes

Scott Ellingson

SVP/Senior Commercial Banker Wide range of lending experience involving commercial and industrial, real estate and professional service. 30+ years of Relationship Management experience. Masters Degree in Finance – St. Thomas University (MBA). Bachelors Degree in Economics and Business from Luther College (BA) Certified Wealth Strategist (CWS) With thirty plus years in the banking / lending

Michael Linder

AVP/Commercial Banker Curious by nature and a consummate learner, Michael Linder is ideally suited to his role as Commercial Banker. With over a decade of banking and credit experience, Michael channels his education to help business owners with comprehensive financial solutions. He knows that good communication is critical when it comes to financial matters, and

Sarah Anderson

VICE PRESIDENT/COMMERCIAL BANKER With a belief that every business is a story waiting to be told, Sarah Anderson is a dedicated commercial banker who goes beyond numbers to understand the person behind the business. With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, Sarah has developed a passion for helping entrepreneurs turn their dreams

Ben Hangge

Sr. Vice President/Sr. Commercial Banker When it comes to business banking Ben Hangge is the commercial banker you need in your corner. With 20 years in the banking industry, Ben has a deep understanding of commercial financing, financial analysis, and risk management. Ben attended college at Bethel University, receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Finance

Joe Veliz

Vice president/Commercial Banker Business owners often voice their interest in finding a banking partner who is committed to their relationship; someone who is there to get things done. Joe Veliz is that guy. A self-professed goal setter, Joe tackles challenges head on. Joe has an inherent drive to find solutions and identify the best way